Arthodyd ONN TV

ONN TV Codes

ONN TV Codes for syncing your cable company remote to your ONN brand TV.

ONN TV codes

Onn 50"  ONC50UB18C05
and older models
10001    10004    10006    10011    10029    10030    10057    10083   
10133    10145    10161    10163    10171   
10231    10232   
10371    10315
10413    10484
ONN TV codes
ONN TV Models 2018 and up
10311    10315    10335    10380    10388
10431    10434    10435   
ONN TV codes RCA versions
12434 11756 14398 13183 10885 11447 12247 11781 12187 10463 10047 12049 13078
ONN TV codes for syncing your universal remote or mini DTA remote to your ONN TV.
12746 10885 10093 10000 10051 11661 13183 13577 12932 12247 12187 11953 11948 12049 11547 11347 10679 10090 10047 11047 11247 12002 13382 13717 13895 12183 12855 13332 13636 14214 13938 13939 14093 11959 13147 11385 14394 14035 11670 13519 11147 14053 12293 11712 12360
ONN 50" TV codes 2019
11958, 12002, 10878, 11217, 11360, 11599
ONN TV codes
13577  11385  13794  14079 14053 11712   11457 11687 14483 10180  11959 13559 11868  
For ONN TV codes if you still have trouble you might be referred to WalMart customer service but try Element first- They used to be CS for ONN -

11667, 11709, 12125
Miscellaneous ONN codes

11922, 11919, 11917, 10625